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Should You Have an Engagement Party?

Should You Have an Engagement Party?

You’ve announced your engagement to your family. You called your best friends to tell them the news, and now you’ve made the obligatory Facebook post informing the digital world that you’re engaged. Congrats!

You’re probably thinking what is next and the thought of an engagement party might be crossing your mind. You know there are already a lot of events that come with a wedding—a bridal shower, bachelor and bachelorette parties, etc.—so should you add another one to the list?

If you are debating whether or not to have an engagement party, keep reading and ask yourself the questions below:

Have your families met before?

Have your families met already? Are they familiar with one another? If you’ve shared events with your families together and they know each other pretty well, then you might not need to have an engagement party. However, engagement parties are a great way for families to get to know each other. If one of your families is from out of town, this is a great opportunity to get everyone acquainted before the wedding.

Have your friends all met?

Marriage does more than just bring two people together; it brings two groups of people together. If you haven’t had an occasion to get all of your friends together in one place, an engagement party is a great place to do just that. This is especially helpful if you are going to have friends from both groups in your wedding party!

Does your family want to celebrate?

Does your family need a reason to celebrate? If you just want an excuse to get your friends and family together for a good time, then, by all means, an engagement party is a great excuse to do so! These can be as over to top or casual as you want, so feel free to get the gang together for a night of fun.

Are you confident in your party planning skills?

Are you wondering how tricky it will be planning a wedding? If you and your significant other have never planned a big event together—and let’s face it, few of us have before a wedding comes along! —an engagement party might be a nice teaser to see how well you two manage. Not only will it help you get your organization skills up to par, but it can also be an occasion to test any vendors that you might be considering, like a caterer, venue, DJ, or florist.

The Park Savoy Estate is the perfect place to host your wedding!

The engagement party is essentially a mini wedding. While hosting your engagement party at a restaurant or smaller venue is a great choice, for a wedding that truly wows, you should choose The Park Savoy Estate. We have everything you need to make your dream wedding come true! From bridal and groom suites, to a stunning new chapel, and spacious ballroom, The Park Savoy Estate is the perfect venue in New Jersey for your wedding. Contact us today to schedule a tour!

The post Should You Have an Engagement Party? appeared first on The Park Savoy Estate.

Source: Should You Have an Engagement Party?


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